Saturday, 24 February 2018

Opções de escape fxr

Harley-Davidson® FXR Exhausts.
Tanque de gás Pro Image I Chopper.
Preço regular: £ 428.00.
Preço especial £ 214.00.
Preço regular: £ 64.10.
Preço especial £ 60.90.
Preço normal: £ 17.04.
Preço especial £ 16.19.
Preço normal: £ 17.04.
Preço especial £ 16.19.
Preço normal: £ 17.04.
Preço especial £ 16.19.
Preço normal: £ 27.70.
Preço especial £ 26,32.
Preço normal: £ 27.26.
Preço especial £ 25,91.
Preço regular: £ 1,108.84.
Preço especial £ 1,053.40.
Preço regular: £ 992.58.
Preço especial £ 942,95.
Preço regular: £ 2.32.
Preço especial £ 2.20.
Preço regular: £ 788.09.
Preço especial £ 748.68.
Preço regular: £ 691.81.
Preço especial £ 657.23.
Preço normal: £ 509.12.
Preço especial £ 483.67.
Preço regular: £ 618.16.
Preço especial £ 587.26.
Harley-Davidson® FXR Exhaust.
A empresa Harley-Davidson® que ganhou sua reputação ao ser um dos fabricantes mais respeitados da maioria das motocicletas em todo o mundo. Não há dúvida de que cada peça Harley-Davidson® é apropriada para caber em apenas uma categoria: "Superior". Obviamente, é um trabalho difícil para a empresa manter sua reputação superior de forma consistente. O verdadeiro desafio para a empresa é manter seu teste on-road que está sendo testado inúmeras vezes pelos proprietários de Harley-Davidson® ao redor do mundo. Os diferentes componentes tornam cada Harley-Davidson® exclusivo de outro Harley-Davidson®. Claro, cada peça Harley-Davidson® contribui para o desempenho da bicicleta. O popular v-engine dá a cada bicicleta Harley-Davidson® o poder de conquistar a estrada. Se você possui um modelo Harley-Davidson® FXR, você definitivamente quer chamar a atenção das pessoas com um escape atraente e eficiente.
Para obter o melhor e eficiente escape do mercado, recomenda-se comprar on-line porque, no mercado local, você não pode obter todos os modelos de escape das marcas de renome. O The Hogfather Online oferece uma vasta gama de opções de escape de várias marcas mundialmente famosas como Cobra, Cycle Shack, Drag Sepcialties, La Choppers, Khrome Werks, Python / Drag Special, Paul, S & S Cycle, Supertrapp e Vance & Hines. Todas essas marcas são confiáveis ​​e reputadas o suficiente e são certificadas pela própria Harley Davidson Company. De acordo com o equipamento de bicicleta específico, o tubo de escape deve escolher.
Existem várias partes do sistema de escape de uma bicicleta, como silenciosos e tubulações, tampas de silenciador, escudos de calor de escape, acessórios de escape, etc. Entre essas peças, as blindagens de calor de escape possuem cerâmica preta de qualidade racial contrastada com um crachá e fim de cromo de assinatura dicas. Este escape é o melhor para as máquinas de turismo Harley-Davidson® FXR. Os escudos de calor envolvem 13/4 "tubos de cabeça que fluem em corpos de silenciador de 21/8". O escape Vance & Hines também está disponível com especialmente sintonizados com cachimbos discretos opcionais. Os defletores são removíveis. Esses exaustores são meticulosamente acabados com extremidades finais de tarugo. Todos esses componentes de escape proporcionam um aspecto de cômoda limpo e clássico de ambos os lados da sua bicicleta.
Todos esses componentes de escape darão à sua moto Harley-Davidson® um acabamento superior e incomparável em comparação com outras motos. Então, se você quer todas essas instalações com a marca de renome, não precisa se preocupar. O The Hogfather Online lhe dará o conforto de compras on-line sem complicações, que entregarão seu produto escolhido em sua casa em determinadas horas sem falhas e a taxa de entrega é gratuita. Outros detalhes do produto e os preços são fornecidos no site.
Nós somos o principal fornecedor do Reino Unido de peças e acessórios de reposição para motocicletas Harley-Davidson.

Opções de escape Fxr
Escolha entre uma variedade de sistemas de escape completos e conjuntos de cabeçotes para motocicletas Evolution Harley-Davidson FLHR, FLHS, FLHT, FLHX, FLST, FLSTF, FLSTN, FLSTS, FLT, FX, FXD, FXDWG, FXR, FXST, FXST, FXSTS e FXWG. . Clique nas imagens ou nos links de texto para ir para as páginas onde esses sistemas de escape são exibidos.
Sistemas de escape completos para 1984 - Modelos Evolution Softail de 1999.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Headpipe Sets For 1984 - "Evolution 1999".
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Sistemas de escape completos para 1984 - Modelos de evolução Evolution 1998.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Headpipe Sets For Late 1985 - 1998 Evolution Touring Models.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Sistemas de escape completos para 1991 - 1998 Evolution Dyna Glide Models.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Sistemas de escape completos para 1984 - Modelos Evolution FXR de 1994.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Headpipe Sets For 1984 - "1994 Evolution".
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
Sistemas de escape completos para 1985 - 1986 Evolution FXWG Models.
Não é legal para venda aos residentes da Califórnia (por quê?)
© 2008-2018 Paughco, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.
Paughco - Sua fonte para peças e acessórios Harley-Davidson®.
Uso da palavra Harley-Davidson, vários nomes de modelos e designações, e.
Os números de peças do OEM, são fornecidos apenas para informações de referência e de aplicação,
e não há afiliação entre Harley-Davidson, Inc. e Paughco, Inc.
Paughco vende partes de Chopper e peças de reposição e acessórios para Harley-Davidson,
Sportster, Bob gordo, Hydra-Glide, Duo-Glide, Electra Glide, Road Glide, Street Glide,
Super Glide, Tour Glide, Dyna Glide, Dyna Wide Glide, Road King, Softail, Fat Boy,
Heritage Softail, Springer Softail, Low Rider, 45, Flathead, Knucklehead, Panhead, Shovelhead,
Motociclos Evolution, Blockhead e Twin Cam. Nós também vendemos BDL, Yankee Engineuity,
La Rosa Design e Performance Machine peças para sua moto Harley-Davidson®®.

Opções de escape Fxr
Pacote de tuning do mundo real.
Quando você solicita uma exaustão completa LSR 2-1 com o indicador RSR Air Fuel Ratio e The TTS MasterTune, há um desconto de US $ 75,00 no preço total. Você pode observar enquanto viaja no mundo real para avaliar transições e aceleração aberta. No ajuste de dyno real você realmente tem que segurar um "site", ou seja, o cruzamento de carga e rpm para obter um feedback exato. É por isso que você vê os dynos do motor Superflow fazendo testes passo a passo.
O problema é que as coisas se aquecem nesses motores refrigerados por ar e o código oculto no ecmo Delphi começa a mudar as coisas. Você pode realmente apenas fazer um puxão de Throtte bem aberto e um site rpm antes do motor aquecer demais. Melhor fazer a gravação de dados do mundo real com o TTS enquanto você anda e, em seguida, evapora, em tempo real, seu mapa com RSR mili-segundo rápido RSR Fuel Ratio Gauge. O monitoramento em tempo real quando você monta é a única maneira de avaliar transições, aditivos de aceleração e aceleração aberta. Tudo no mundo real, ar e na estrada como você faz normalmente.
As pessoas continuam perguntando sobre o RB Racing lançando sistemas de exaustão LSR 2-1 para o novo Harley Motor. Bem, estamos preparados para eles com um novo projeto de silencioso que leva em conta o aumento da compressão e deslocamento, mas não estamos liberando nada até que algumas coisas se estabeleçam. Não importa o que as pessoas digam, este é um motor projetado para emissões com muita compressão, bloqueado no ajuste de válvula de posicionamento e eixos de cames que simplesmente irão dar-lhe próximo a zero em ganhos por seu dinheiro arduamente ganho em mudar os gases de escape. Todo fabricante de exaustores deseja o seu $$$. Nós não. Nós os lançaremos quando houver ganhos reais a serem feitos.
O teste mostrou que as mudanças de cam devem ser feitas juntamente com um escape 2-1 para obter ganhos apreciáveis. Adiante, compre seus depósitos de ar de US $ 500,00 e seus $ 700.00 Monster Slip-Ons. continue a economia.
Ainda é um V-Twin de 45 graus refrigerado a ar, não importa o que diga sobre o resfriamento de água ou óleo. BTUs são BTUs. Apenas tem menos flexibilidade em termos de modificação do que EVOs ou Twin Cams neste momento. Outro enigma caro. Ainda não.
Acima: Milwaukee-8 escape LSR 2-1, 00-1306 Pro Stock Challenge em 2 ". Revestido em ceramica negra de dupla capa para um cliente que queria um" escape de corrida realmente alto ". No nível do revendedor cnc cabeças portadas, câmeras e os kits de maior arduo são de cerca de 130 cv. Quando você considera que um EVO de 80 "era de cerca de 58 HP com temperaturas de óleo de 175 a 200F, não é de admirar que estes funcionem se fechando em 300F quente.
00-1393 em estoque 45 graus M-8: 2 "Turn Out in Dual Coat Black Ceramic / Black Shields.
00-1395 em estoque +5 "Slash Cut M-8: 2" em Dual Coat Black Black Ceramic / Black Shields.
00-1397 no estoque LSR 2-1 Black Hole M-8: 2 "em Dual Coat Black Ceramic / Black Shields.
2018 Softails: modelos de piso de madeira; Softail Slim, Fat Boy, Softail Deluxe, Heritage Classic.
2018 Softails: Controles Avançados; Fat Bob, Breakout.
O cliente escreve: "Olá, o calibre de escape e AFR chegou há algumas semanas e b / c de restrições de tempo, finalmente consegui instalá-los, ontem. Acabei de retornar do meu primeiro passeio - 30 milhas rápidas - com o seu novos componentes. Aqui estão as minhas primeiras impressões;
Como prometido em anexo, existem várias fotos do recém-instalado RB 2 em 1 pipe no meu FXR. Acredite ou não, esta bicicleta começou como um 1999 FXR3 (flama verde). Eu comprei pré-possuído em sua forma de estoque em 2009 com apenas 1.600 milhas no relógio. Agora, os únicos componentes de estoque que permanecem são o assento (que eu realmente tinha modificado em uma dobradiça de 2 peças e configuração do trinco), embreagem e amp; alavancas de freio, pedal de freio e alguns fusíveis e fiação. Eu me senti tão culpado por ter comprado recentemente um Frot-for-stock & # 8217; 99 FXR3, no ano passado. Ir para manter esse estoque completamente. Desculpas pelo ruído de fundo ocupado / distrativo nas fotos. Espero que ele não distraia muito daquela pipa que está olhando mal. Obrigado novamente!
O cliente escreve: "Ama isso, corre como um cão escaldado, e parece ótimo, faz exatamente 98 pôneis. Tom". Vendido em 2018.
2017 Dyna Low Rider S Dual Coat Black Ceramic LSR 2-1 com blindagens térmicas completas. 00-1390, estilo B, com 2 "primárias.
O Cliente escreve: "Gene (Gen Thom ason Racing 1-310-704-4544) colocou uma câmera TTS 150, que oferece uma curva de potência de baixa potência muito mais lisa, e puxou 104/126 no dyno Superflow CycleDyn nesta manhã. Bom .
Dyno Jet figura cerca de 10% maior (114hp) do que o Superflow CycleDyn mais preciso. Os valores de estoque publicados estão na alta faixa de 80 cavalos de potência.
Estão sendo prototipados para testes na RB Racing. Estilo 2 "B, corte cortado. Acesso completo para manutenção e remoção de eixo.
Dyna Low Rider S LSR 2-1 Slash Cut 2 ", 00-1390 em Dual Coat Ceramic Black. Quatro proteções térmicas (1) frente, (2) traseira e coletor. 00-1390. Juntas de juntas, rebordas e clipes de cromo. Também vem com oito porcas de escape: quatro e quatro extra. Braçadeiras de mangueira preta para os escudos térmicos. Portos duplos de 12 mm O2.
O cliente escreve: "Soa como um FAST Harley! Revs mais rápido. Todos os que conhecem a bicicleta imediatamente percebem como o motor possui melhor resposta do acelerador agora. Um toque do acelerador é tudo o que é preciso para invejar inveja. Ele possui um volume notável e um som poderoso na aceleração complementada por um rugido de desaceleração suave. O volume de cruzeiro é, de certa forma, mais silencioso do que os escorregadores de V e H que estavam na bicicleta anteriormente. O cromo é impecável. O empacotamento foi excelente. É incrível como o ponto O suporte de montagem é perfeito na forma, no ajuste e na função. Tudo facilita a sua colocação com uma mão metódica lenta. Força ou apressa a instalação e você a completará sem frustração. Comprei o Medidor AFR duplo ao mesmo tempo que o tubo. Não consigo imaginar uma maneira mais fácil de sintonizar com o meu TTS MasterTune! Eu consegui realmente melhorar a melodia e a energia enquanto mantivera o mpg de 43. Obrigado! Ryan "
00-1316 LSR 2-1 usando o indicador RSR Dual Air Fuel Ratio.
O cliente escreve: "Então eu finalmente consegui dar uma volta para o dyno my 2017 FXDL, devo dizer, depois que este motor de estoque de 103 foi ajustado, holy cr @ p! Seu tubo agora está insanamente silencioso até aberto, o decel pop está perdido 99%. O sintonizador ficou extremamente impressionado e não consigo parar de sorrir quando eu gasto. Nenhum número de dyno para você, mas meu sintonizador disse: "Eu peguei sua bicicleta para girar o dyno a 175 mph", suas palavras! Salte-se para você RB racing, Não vou instalar outros tubos no meu futuro, monte!
1996 Wide Glide.
O Cliente escreve: "Meu 1996 Dyna Wide Glide com Modelo Final Dyna & # 8220; C & # 8220; Style LSR 2-1 Exhaust. Couldn & # 8217; t ser mais feliz, assim como totalmente impressionado com a Precisão e qualidade deste escape. Wasn não tem certeza de como eles se adaptaram desde que eu tenho Floor Boards e foi dito que esse estilo era difícil de se adaptar à bicicleta. O som é muito melhor do que o imaginado e o aumento no HorsePower agora dá esse novo mecanismo Bandas de poder que excedem minhas expectativas muito além do que eu pensei. Em qualquer lugar, eu monto. Obtém muitos olhares e elogios. Muito Agradável. Muito obrigado. Danny ". 00-1059.
O cliente escreve: "Oi, meu nome é Sammy Z e eu comprei o tubo LSR de vocês dois meses atrás e agora tive a chance de jogá-lo, e o homem EU AMO. O trabalho que entrou na construção deste tubo é inigualável. É o melhor tubo que já usei em qualquer uma das minhas motos. Muito obrigado tanto pelo tubo. Eu definitivamente vou fazer negócios com vocês de novo! "
O cliente escreve: "Só queria lembrá-lo ... Eu amo profundamente a sua pureza pela velocidade. Individualmente, muitos de nós alcançamos o mesmo objetivo final, mas na medida em que poderíamos pagar em qualquer sentido da palavra que era mais importante. não é uma demanda para lembrar minha bicicleta em seu site, mas sim uma demanda para lembrar todos aqueles que conseguem o que você é. Faça uma galeria para nós. Ken "
00-1228 C Estilo rotação de 45 graus.
O cliente escreve: "Todo mundo sabe que é difícil conseguir um tubo e o seu suporte para segurar até um estoque FXR.
Este 00 FXR4 tem um S & amp; S 107 construído que chocalhe o pavimento, meus problemas terminaram quando eu consegui esse cachimbo e eu achei esse PUNCH de meio alcance!
Trabalhe bem feito RB Racing pipe Gods, muito bem feito! Obrigado, Larry.
00-1010 em Cerâmica Negra Dual Coat com Cromo Heat Shields. Muito trabalho feito para este.
Especificações: Harley Davidson 2000 FXR4:
Plano: Motocicleta de alto desempenho que se mistura perfeitamente com cada saco de corte de biscoito, etc, na costa leste, difícil de escolher de uma linha, tipo de luar de 39 Ford, transformado em motocicleta, divirta-se, não fique preso.
Rodas de fibra de carbono BST, frente 19X2.5, traseira 17X4.5, rolamentos de cerâmica BST, da alfândega suja, pneus Michelin, 120 frente, 150 traseiras, jantes e pneus escolhidos pela Skeeter Todd.
Forquilhas inferiores V-Rod, frenagem frontal dianteira e travas dianteira.
Tubos de garfo Wide Glide 49mm.
Componentes internos do cartucho Ohlins.
Estimativa de 15.000 Lumens de iluminação dianteira LED.
Speed ​​Dealer Grenade Grips.
S & amp; S 107 com suporte e afinação no quintal. (190 CCP)
Carlini Torque braço.
Montagem dianteira dianteira do motor da liga.
Cycle Electric 3 fase 50 amp.
Dyna 2000i ignição.
Dirt Dippert FXRcartel SS linkage.
Redutor de estoque reduzido para cinto de 1 polegada.
07 Policial FLH Swingarm.
Kit de adaptação do braço giratório CCE.
Glide Pro bushings.
Tuned Works Billet traseira choques.
Iluminação LED traseira personalizada por Black Hills Billet.
NOS FXR Bolsas de poliéster.
HD Diamondback Seat.
Decalques personalizados de Steve Cheverie.
O cliente escreve: "Só queria agradecer pelo seu produto Acabei de voltar minha bicicleta do dyno da minha loja HD local e quero dizer que estou satisfeito com o meu pedido! Instalei meus tubos em casa sem problemas. Eu tenho a impressão da minha folha de dados se você estiver interessado nisso?
Na verdade não. muitas variáveis. O mundo real é onde está em. 00-1317 em cerâmica preta com protetores térmicos.
O cliente escreve: "Ainda estou quebrando o motor, então não consegui me divertir muito, mas a moto funciona e soa bem. O motor é um Ultima 120. Cheers, Steve".
00-1013 em Dual Coat Ceramic Black.
O cliente escreve: "Apenas dizendo obrigado pelos tubos são incríveis". 00-1010 LSR 2-1, estilo B, com Heat Shields.
O cliente escreve: "Obrigado, pessoal, eu deveria ter instalado uma dessas milhas atrás. Parece um bom desempenho e soa mal! Obrigado novamente Eric".
O cliente escreve: "Este tubo só está melhorando! Na primeira gente ficam espantados, então eles ouvem e depois ficam mais impressionados, obrigado novamente por este grande tubo. Nunca pensaria em outra empresa! 14 ', FXDL. Enviado de Josh G. Obrigado! "
O cliente escreve: ". Wow. 2008 Harley Davidson FXDL, cabeças portadas do Screpper Eagle CNC, madeiras 555 Cams e uma extraordinária exaustão RB Racing. Joe"
00-1316 LSR 2-1, Estilo C, Desligar Rotação de 45 graus, Cromo com três proteções térmicas. Nós esperamos "Wow !!" significa bom. Muitos detalhes trabalham nesta bicicleta. Rins de couro para um cavalo de ferro. Espere. Pure Go.
O cliente escreve:: "Foto conforme solicitado. Ame o tubo, se encaixa perfeitamente, parece ótimo desempenho incrível. Obrigado, Cameron".
B Dyna do estilo ... não dispare.
O cliente escreve: "Aqui está o 2018 Dyna Wide Glide com o lsr 2-1. A qualidade do tubo é excelente. O som é fantástico. Realmente late! Na minha opinião, ele possui um bom som limpo, um pouco único. Eu recomendo estes tubos para todos. Obrigado pelo excelente produto. Casey ".
00-1310 Estilo B Modelo atrasado Dyna, cerâmico Preto com 4 proteções térmicas. Vire girar mais de 45 graus.
O cliente escreve: "Os melhores tubos do mundo! Bom som e um grande salto de potência. Fácil de instalar, mesmo que você leia em um nível de quarta série. Hahah. Agradeço a todos, cada Harley que eu tenha terá e o sistema de escape RB racing isto." JPM USN.
00-1319 2 "Turn Out Rotated 45 graus. Não há protetores térmicos. O tubo desliza no meio do tubo traseiro e o tubo dianteiro desliza no coletor. Montagem sólida de 3 pontos fora da transmissão. Eles nunca se quebram. Sem grampos.
Novos Extintos FXRT.
Nós pedimos emprestado este 1984 FXRT porque era bastante estoque morto. Nós usamos isso para projetar novos esgotos estilo LSR 2-1 "C". Estes estarão disponíveis nas cinco gamas de produtos que oferecemos atualmente. Os FXRT são raros nos dias de hoje, já que não eram há muito tempo e as pessoas costumavam comprar Dressers em vez do "Sports Tourer". Os FXRTs têm pavimentos não padrão e a transmissão de velocidade de estilo anterior de 5 velocidades com o cabo da embreagem que se aproxima do lado esquerdo. Tivemos que desenhar todos os novos montagens e acessórios. A montagem de Lord de borracha traseira não é usada porque fornecemos um suporte de transmissão de três pontos. Harley abandonou o Senhor montar mais tarde, quando todos eles quebraram.
Esta é a parte acabada. É difícil encontrar um FXRT limpo nos dias de hoje. Este é super limpo.
00-1384 LSR 2-1 Slash Cut, C Style, 1 3/4 "é a parte mais comum.
FXRP. Preto cerâmico.
O cliente escreve: "& # 8206; devo dizer que seus tubos são extremamente bem construídos. Eles se encaixam perfeitamente no meu FXRP. A maioria dos fabricantes de tubos nem sequer tenho minha bicicleta listada. Apenas peguei a bicicleta na estrada hoje. Comparado com o meu antigo Super As armadilhas que são pequenas em comparação. Quanto ao som, eles têm uma nota profunda de garganta para eles. Iniciando uma viagem de 2000 milhas em um mês e terá uma sensação melhor sobre a diferença de desempenho. O único que eu notei primeiro foi o RPM aumentou em cerca de 200 no ralenti nos tubos antigos. Chuck "
Se você já possui um FXR, você também pode obter dois deles. Esta é a bicicleta complementar para o FXRT representado acima. O pintor Joe trabalha nessas bicicletas.
O cliente escreve: "Tendo uma explosão com o cachimbo em Sturgis. Rode 1800 milhas para fora e centenas aqui. Pipe é impecável e muitas pessoas tirando fotos dela em Sturgis. Pic é de bicicleta com tubo no salão Stone House em Belle Fourche SD Entre a torre de Sturgis e os demônios, WY. Adore-o. Obrigado de novo pela pressão extra especial para o seu caminho. Os seus caras rock e SK fazem a sua tubulação. Sinceramente, John "
O cliente escreve: "Aqui está a foto da minha moto nada de especial, exceto o tubo. É um 113 com se 110 cabeças feitas por jim em mega flo, grua htc 296 cam, hpi 55 mm t corpo e 10.7: 1 compressão. Também convertida para encaixar a movimentação e uma embreagem de terminador de diamantes. Ame o tubo parece ótimo e soa incrível. Eu também mandei uma foto da folha do dyno. Apenas quero agradecer pelo ótimo serviço e pelo excelente tubo. Obrigado novamente, Nick. "
00-1320 2 "Dyna LSR 2-1 em Prata Cerâmica.
O cliente escreve: "Finalmente consegui enviar fotos de seus tubos LSR em nossas bicicletas. O cavaleiro verde verde da minha esposa possui o primeiro tubo que comprei em 1999 para o meu piloto evo low. Esse tubo já possui mais de 60 mil milhas. 88ci SE204 câmeras 76HP e 89TQ. O tubo no meu azul Wide Glide3 Eu comprei em 2005 com mais de 47,000 milhas tem um 95ci 10,3 pistões com todos os brindes 111HP e 106TQ Esses números sozinhos falam sobre a qualidade eo desempenho de seus tubos. sempre está recebendo comentários positivos sobre o aspecto e o som dos tubos. Apenas comprei um novo sapo da estrada do CVO, então vou ligar em breve para um cano para isso. Obrigado, Larry & Kim ".
O cliente escreve: "Adoro os canos & # 8230; Obrigado." Carl "00-1317 em Black Ceramic.
Bicicleta dentro do carro fora.
O cliente escreve: "Se você pode postar isso em sua página. 1989 Harley fxrs com 121 TP Motor".
O cliente escreve: "A tubulação veio em excelente forma devido à boa embalagem. No Dyno #s ainda, mas da quantidade que está fluindo Eu estou olhando para um ganho notável." 12-15% mais ar "Fácil de sintonizar e continua puxando. Billy ".
UK 2009 Dyna Wide Glide Custom.
Oi Equipe da RB Racing. Pedi de você através da AR Harley & amp; Sons no Reino Unido algum tipo de RB Racing LSR 2-1 C para meu projeto personalizado Dyna Wide Glide. A moto saiu ótima, espero que goste da foto. Estou certo de que você estará obtendo mais perguntas do Reino Unido, já que a Bike será colocada em vários sites em breve. Atenciosamente, Antony. "
00-1316 em cromo com uma rotação de 45 graus Turn Out LSR 2-1.
S & amp; S 113, Fat 5 Transmission, FXR.
A prototipagem nunca termina. Neste caso, um cliente possuía um motor S & S S de 113 "com uma transmissão feita sob encomenda de Jim's Fat 5. Nós dissemos a ele que o nosso tubo padrão padrão estilo 00-1013 B Slash Cut FXR nunca caberia e ele teria que levar a bicicleta para ter um feito "na bicicleta".
Nós mergulhamos os tubos até o cabo da embreagem e o quadro permitiriam, deixando espaço para o pedal do freio.
A merda nunca acaba. Se você tem uma polegada grande FXR, temos o sistema de escape para isso. Montagem de transmissão. Tivemos que utilizar um modelo de transmissão Dyna modelo atrasado, pois o Jim's Fat 5 não é exatamente "FXR std" e é muito mais amplo. Além disso, esse cliente tinha algum tipo de roda traseira / estabilizador de transmissão que tornou as coisas ainda mais complicadas.
Depois que o tubo é tocado em conjunto, é feito um acessório personalizado. Este escape de 2 "obtém um acabamento em cerâmica preta com blindagens de calor preto. Ele substitui um Supertrapp 1 3/4" que tinha um zilhão de discos que estava embrulhado no envoltório do cabeçalho. A bicicleta será conduzida de Los Angeles para Nova York. A merda nunca acaba. Se você tem uma polegada grande FXR, temos o sistema de escape para isso.
2009 103 "Fat Bob.
O cliente escreve: "Como prometido, aqui está uma foto (finalmente!). Espero que você goste. 2009 Fat Bob. 103 c. i.Wood Night Prowler TW6-6 Cam."
00-1312, LSR 2-1 Slash Corte cerâmica preta com escudos térmicos de cerâmica preta.
2006 a 2009 Dynas. Portas Dual O2.
Harley mudou muitas coisas nos modelos mais novos. Prototipamos e testamos os sistemas de 2006 para levar em conta os O-Sensors duplos, novos quadros, transmissões de seis velocidades revisadas e similares. Nós também estamos testando novos pacotes de instrumentação para essas motos.
A figura é um corte de 00-1317 Slash em cromo com proteções de calor. Quase tudo o que poderia ter sido alterado foi alterado nesta moto, exceto a pintura e o motor. Adivinha o que é o próximo. Protegido pelos Longshoremen.
Preto cerâmico. Casaco duplo.
O cliente escreve: "Olá, como prometido, aqui está uma foto do novo sistema de escape. Parece ótimo, parece melhor".
Preto cerâmico com dois protetores térmicos cerâmicos negros. 00-1225 Gire a rotação de 45 graus.
New Dynas, ou seja, 2006, colocaram enchimentos de petróleo, de modo que o estilo "C" é diferente para esses anos. Deslizamos os tubos dianteiros e traseiros para que nunca se quebrem. Nunca é um tempo longo, longo, mas desde que começamos isso há mais de 10 anos com a série FL, nunca tivemos uma quebra de tubulação. 00-1317 Corte de corte de estilo de 1 3/4 ". Transmissão montada.
LSR 2-1's Down Under.
Nós enviamos amostras LSR 2-1 direto para clientes na Austrália. Os intermediários sempre parecem querer vender coisas, mas na verdade, não compram coisas. e quando o fazem, o preço vai para o céu alto e muitas vezes eles ordenam as partes erradas para o cliente que tem que esperar para sempre. Muitas camadas.
Seis anos depois.
O Cliente escreve: "há 6 anos atrás, comprei seus tubos de escape de 2 em 1 para o meu 2000 Superglide FXD (caminha gêmea) que tinha subido uma reconstrução do kit S & amp; S para 95 CU (barris, cabeças, pistões, cames, etc.). Hoje, os tubos funcionam melhor do que você anunciar, ainda parecem bonitos, e soam melhor do que qualquer uma das bicicletas dos meus amigos. Eu só queria agradecer por trabalhar comigo para selecionar a melhor opção de escape para minha moto. Kudo para você e a equipe da RB Racing. Michael Smith ".
Veículo de teste FXR.
Nós gostamos de FXRs e nós instrumentamos o nosso com nosso tacômetro digital, velocímetro GPS, indicador Dual O2 e indicador de engrenagem. Não, não é um FLHX. Começou como um 1999 FXR CVO2 que colocamos um tanque FL de 5 galões e livramos a sólida roda traseira e a roda dianteira de 21 ". Também a convertimos na corrente e colocamos um amortecedor de direção Hayabusa e um de nossos LSR 2-1 1 3/4 "B Style apaga os gases de escape. Nós também alimentamos injetável com um de nossos sistemas de injeção RSR em loop fechado.
Nós tínhamos a pintura de Jim's Cycle em um simples esquema de cores, pois os policiais pareciam atraídos pelo nosso tanque azul, pára-lamas traseira amarela e pára-lamas violeta. Palhaço de bicicleta. Os pintores são estranhos. Nós simplesmente deixamos a cor para Jim. Ele pintou Bobber Harley, campeão da F1, campeão de F1, de Michael Schumacher, então ele era um pintor bastante decente. Jim faleceu devido a um ataque cardíaco. Outro pintor se foi.
Ultimate FXR Turbo.
Nós simplesmente não podemos deixar as coisas sozinhas. Novo projeto.
Hong Kong FXR. Com freios.
O cliente escreve: "Olá, finalmente pronto! Bom som e grande poder! Com prazer, Mikael". 00-1011 em Cerâmica Cerâmica. 1 3/4 "B Style FXR, corte cortado.
Muitos toques personalizados de frente para trás. com Beringer Brakes para fazer o "whoa!". Todo o caminho de Hong Kong.
Big Inch FXR. 2 "LSR 2-1.
O cliente escreve: "Achei que eu compartilharia algumas fotos de seus tubos no meu FXR. Acabei de terminar a moto, comprei os tubos de você um ano ou mais atrás. Eles acabaram muito bons e felizes com seu desempenho. Obrigado por toda a ajuda para escolhê-los. Paul ". 00-1046 2 "Gire o estilo C com duas proteções térmicas.
Mike Geokan ampliou uma moldura FXR em 1 1/2 ", adicionou algumas partes de Buell, colocou um motor de 100" de alta compressão e fez-nos criar um Estilo C LSR 2-1 com um enorme 1 1/2 "de compensação para contabilizar Motor e transmissão offset. Desde que Mike é um excelente fabricante, ele fez sua própria transmissão para o conjunto de escape da placa de alumínio. Mike geralmente está trabalhando em seu Bonneville Bullett, mas desde que foi concluído, ele precisava de um novo projeto. 00-1017 LSR 2- 1, estilo C, corte cortado, em cromo com escudos térmicos.
O cliente escreve: "Muito obrigado. Seus tubos parecem, soam e se sentem incríveis. Valeu a pena esperar". Muitos toques personalizados sobre este. Muito trabalho. Praticamente tudo foi alterado. A maioria das pessoas concorda que o quadro FXR foi o melhor Harley já feito.
Outro C Estilo Slash Cut no Chrome. Algumas pessoas preferem o Estilo C mesmo que tenham controles para a frente.
Evo FXD C Style.
00-1059 C Estilo Desligue com proteções térmicas. Evo Dyna Forward Controls. Muitos toques personalizados.
2006 Estilo B. Blue By You.
Os colchões antigos estão de volta com uma vingança. A neve limpa. Feche o seu colar e monte. Vá sozinho. Vá rápido. Passe até os joelhos se transformarem em Popsicles. Stuff jornais em seu Levis. Agora você sabe por que eles têm algumas coisas. A primavera está ao virar da esquina. Quem quer esperar.
O cliente escreve: "Aqui está uma imagem da RT. O escape funciona perfeitamente, e isso parece ótimo! A instalação não foi problema e a embalagem estava além de comparar. O único problema que tive foi o travão de pé no escudo. Não o tubo antes que eu Coloque os escudos. Eu ajustei o pedal, (é um pouco alto, mas funciona). Além disso, eu recebi muitos elogios nisso. Além disso, nunca puxou um wheelie para a 2ª marcha antes! Obrigado novamente, Usuario".
00-1011 1 3/4 "LSR 2-1 B Estilo Chrome Cortar Cortar com escudos de ouvido. A folga do pedal com escudos de calor é apertada e requer alguns ajustes ou espaçamento. FXR's veio há mais de 20 anos e desapareceu e voltou a aparecer na ordem especial do CVO , status de curto prazo. Provavelmente, a melhor maneira que a Harley fez fazer.
Aqui estão algumas fotos das minhas motos: a flama 1993 Softail possui um tubo de 120 "Ultima motor, RB LSR 2" e dynos na traseira 126 hp e 130 ft. Lbs. de torque. O pequeno é um FXR Low Rider de 1991 com um motor de 89 ", 1 3/4" RB LSR, e dynos a 94 cv e 101 ft. Lbs. de torque. Eu tenho esses tubos por mais de seis anos. Ambos os tubos rolam! Eles fazem o melhor poder, e têm um profundo rosnado ameaçador! Não se esqueça da minha nova etiqueta Cloisonne RB LSR para o pequeno rapaz. Obrigado. Carlos. "Nós lhe enviamos uma nova etiqueta de estilo.
Screaming Eagle Super Tuner. SEST (descontinuado)
"SEST" ou grego para o pior manual de instruções por escrito que já vimos. Nós desafiamos você a descobrir como obter vários gráficos e gráficos para abrir e como chegar às opções de ajuste avançado versus básico. Sugerimos que você veja a internet, pois o manual é de pouca ajuda.
Alguns anos atrás, nós compramos um desses para ver o que estava envolvido. Se você consegue descobrir os problemas de navegação do software e instalar um mapa que pareça de forma parecida com a sua bicicleta, você simplesmente anda ao redor, observe a exibição RSR Air Ratio Meter e faça edições. O ajuste é bastante direto. Sem o Dual Gauge, não sabemos como você faria isso. Nós apenas montamos.
Harley teve que se lembrar disso depois de ser multada. Eles não estão mais disponíveis.
Abordagem do sistema ao ajuste.
1. LSR 2-1 Exaustão. Ganhos de desempenho comprovados.
2. Medidor de Rácio de Combustível de Ar RSR. Observe no mundo real. Dynos são ótimos, mas não os montamos.
3. TTS MasterTune Software. Faça ajustes com base em observações.
TTS MasterTune de Steve Cole.
Antes do Screaming Eagle Super Tuner (SEST) havia o SERT ou Screaming Eagle Race Tuner. Acrônimos, o que faríamos sem eles? Steve Cole era o cara atrás do SERT até Harley ter decidido ir com outro contratado. Dinheiro. É sempre sobre o dinheiro. Como Steve projetou o material original, este novo material, ou seja, o TTS MasterTune é mais fácil de usar e tem um benefício que o "SEST" não possui. Você tem a capacidade de salvar e restaurar sua calibração original. Além disso, com o Modelo de interface analógica verde, você pode registrar até quatro canais analógicos, como os sensores de banda larga.
Nós preferimos as soluções de software para ajustar o modelo tardio de Harleys e não usar caixas de complemento ou para substituir todo o sistema por um controlador de banda larga baseado em "auto-tuning". Há simplesmente muitos problemas tecnicamente com sensores de banda larga. Coisas que eles não falam sobre problemas de compensação de pressão e temperatura e latência do sensor. Você está melhor com os sensores OEM O2. Você não vai acreditar nisso, mas esse é o seu problema.
One point no one is going to tell you is that Harley has hidden tables that will richen up your injectors if you hold the bike under load, like on a dyno or wide open throttle for any amount of time beyond "x". They don't want you to fool with this. Guess what happens to those people who tune under full load.
We've used both the SEST and the TTS Master Tune. Both work about the same with both based on VE Tables. The TTS MasterTune is a more friendly system and has more features.
USB Tuning cables must be purchased separately. Two versions are available: Specify Cable Number when ordering.
(1) Part # 2000014: 4 Pin J1850 (older bikes). $42.50 list price.
(2) Part # 2000011A: CAN 6 Pin Cable Kit (newest bikes). $42.50 list price.
The Total Cost for a single bike TTS Master Tune (Blue) is $445.00 (tuner no cable). The Total Cost for a TTS Master Tune (Blue) Two Bike Programmer is $645.00 (Tuner no cable).
The Total Cost for a single bike TTS Master Tune (Green) is $595.00 (tuner no cable).
A PDF Tuner Guide explains the operation of the TTS software.
In the late 70's, all through the 1980's and into the mid 1990's we used to spend about 5 months out of every year tuning things. No time for that anymore. It's best that you tune your own bike. add up the hours and write yourself a hot check. Or just pay somebody. We use a Supeflow CycleDyn Dyno and we ride in the real world.
Whenever you look at an exhaust and see it caked in black soot you know the bike is not running or tuned correctly. Back in the mid 1980's we did a carburetor development program for Keihin Corporation for their 41mm CR Race carbs on both Shovelheads and the new Evolution motors. When we were finished the bikes got 56 mpg cruising and 46 mpg if you ran them harder. and after 500 mile tests the pipes were perfectly clean inside and the exhaust ports were dead clean.
If you take the exhaust system off a modern Closed Loop BMW, as we have, you will find them dead clean or whitish inside. Harleys should be the same.
We always ask what mileage people get from their "tuned" or modified Harleys after "Dyno tuning". The universal answer is 37 mpg or less. If they don't know, we ask them if they have to gas at 100 miles. Most do.
Once a customer bought an exhaust from us and took his bike to two different dynos in search of the "117 Hp" he was looking for for his 103. He got 110Hp. After pissing and moaning we told the guy to give us our exhaust back and we found it caked in soot. So much for tuners and their tail pipe sniffers that see lean reversions. They just kept adding fuel. You tell the customer to put on our RSR Air Fuel Gauge to monitor the mixtures F/R in the real world. No, they want a "Dyno Tune". We have dynos. we know what they do and can't do.
Pictured above is the exhaust port from a 2017 Dyna Low Rider S with about 100 miles on it. No soot. Delphi engineers seem to have done a very good job. Looks like the port you would see on a BMW. Now, when your "Tuner" gets finished with it, it will most likely be full of soot. Logic plays no part in people and their toys. EFI is complex. put in different cams, change air cleaners, port the heads and all this goes out the window. Brave new world.
Fuel Injection..A Reality Check.
OEM Harley Delphi Injectors come in various ratings: 3.91 grams/second; 4.35 grams/second; 4.89 grams per second (CVO); and 6.00 grams per second. These ratings are static i. e. shorted open. Pulsed static is about 90% of this i. e. what you could expect if you maxed them out in your ecu calibration software. If you hold them to an 85% duty cycle they, respectively, offer the following horsepower potentials: 105 hp; 117 hp; 131 hp and 161 hp. Now, you can squeeze more out of them by going past 85%, but this is the point where they are still controllable.
We get calls from people building wazoo big engines and they are still running the stock injectors. We suggest you get the right injectors for your engine building projects. We offer a several calculators for those messing with efi systems. Fuel Injector Calculator Professional Injector Pulse width Calculator.
To see what lengths we go to to control 360 hp on turbos take a look at our Road Glide Fuel System.
Bosch High Impedance Racing Injectors rated at 236 hp at a duty cycle of 80%. 9.3 Grams/Second. Used in our Harley Turbo Kits and in big inch motors. Direct insertion into stock fuel rail/throttle body.
Comes with 20 gauge 22759/32 Mil-Spec Wiring Pigtails. $275.00 (pair). 03-1014. In stock shipping.
Band-Aid. Not Needed.
If you have a late model Harley with a Fly-By-Wire throttle you do not need an add-on gizmo. We suggest you get Steve Cole's TTS Master Tune software described above. When purchased with RB Racing exhausts and turbocharger systems we offer a $50.00 discount i. e. $375.00 v $425.00 list. TTS MasterTune allows you to adjust your electronic throttle without the expense of additional add-on devices as well as your fueling and everything else in the Delphi ECU.
New Small (12mm) and Older (18mm) O2 Sensors.
In 2018 FLT/H series went to the new small heated O2 sensors. The Dynas and Softails went to these in 2018 and the Sportsters in 2017.
We are tooled for these smaller sensors on all the newer models. The small O2 Sensor models have a floating ground voltage offset that has a complex scheme that varies the signal to meet emissions purposes. If you think you are going to trick these you are in for a surprise.
You must specify the year of your motorcycle when ordering the RSR Dual O2 Gauge. Models with the small OEM O2 sensors will require two 18mm O2 ports in addition to the 12mm ones to monitor your bike as you ride. Our RSR Dual Gauges will monitor the 18mm high temperature O2 sensors we supply. It is the only method to monitor both front and rear cylinders of your bike as you ride. Real world observations to perfect your tune. Better than a dyno which tends to overheat your motor quickly skewing your tune.
RSR Air Fuel Ratio Gauges. Real World Tuning.
The Mother of all gauges! Not a gauge, but a precision tool that will tell you exactly what your engine is doing in real-time. Gives you instantaneous read-outs of air/fuel ratios from 17:1 to 10.5:1 and indicates maximum power ratios. Four color display is easily read in direct sunlight and automatically dims at night. Waterproof, billet aluminum construction. Your significant other will cheat on you but this gauge will never lie! It won't keep you warm at night, but a perfectly running engine will look and sound the same when you wake up next to it the morning after.
Single RSR O2 Gauge: Reads the front cylinder in non-efi models. It is simply the best way to evaluate the tune of your motorcycle and saves expensive and often inaccurate dyno time. Real world tuning while you ride. Observe and then make adjustments. Mounted permanently. Waterproof.
Mounts. Roll Your Own or Buy One.
The gauges have a center back mount 5/16" x 18 x 1/2" Stainless Socket Head Cap Screw and stainless lock washer. You can fab your own bracket for this or use the 06-1025 hard anodized Billet Mount System for either 1.00" or 1.25" handlebars $49.95. Optional is the 06-1024 two piece laser cut 304 Stainless Steel mounting tabs for either near handlebar clamp or up the handlebar mounting: $9.95.
Since we have been doing closed loop fuel injection systems for Harleys for more than 30 years and have been putting O-Sensor Ports in our exhausts for the same amount of time, we have both single and dual O2 ports for our full range of exhausts. Our RSR Air Fuel Ratio Gauge is the best investment you can make for monitoring and optimizing your engine tune.
All LSR 2-1 exhausts come standard with one or two O2 ports (Sequential EFI models). 18mm or 12.5mm. O2 or Lambda sensors are a necessity for either carbureted or non closed loop efi (Weber Marelli and Early Delphi) Harleys. We should know, as we have a lot of experience with them and have been doing Closed Loop EFI systems since 1989.
The Single and Dual gauges ship with six feet of MIL-W-22759/32 wire. The first 24" is Raychem DR-25 sealed on both ends. If you wish to have a connector at the 24" point there is a $50.00 charge to install either six position (single gauge) or eight position male/female Deutsch DTM connectors with Raychem DR-25 sleeving.
The gauge is housed in a hard anodized round enclosure in a standard 2" format with a 2.250" bezel, center back mount, with a 5/16" x 18 stainless socket head cap screw. The gauge will show fuel ratios from 17:1 to 12.0:1 (or richer). The gauge is visible in daylight and automatically dims for nighttime operation. Only a single L. E.D. illuminates.
Very easy to interpret at a glance. Scale is, left to right, lean to rich: three greens, three yellows, two orange and two red l. e.d. s. You simply cannot "read" spooling digital numbers.
The white arrow indicates the maximum power mixture, the second orange light, which is 13.2:1. Transitory enrichments should not, if the engine is warm (>200F Oil temp), go past the first red light. Readings at the far right side of the scale, the second red light, are simply too rich. Proper closed loop operation will cycle back and forth from green to orange around the center of the display.
It is simply the best way to evaluate the tune of your motorcycle and saves valuable dyno time. Mounted permanently. Waterproof.
Whether your bike is carb or efi this is the best way to tune. By riding and observing, not on a static dyno. Dynos are not exactly real world in terms of loads, airflow, or transitionals, and even if you had a million dollar AC Transient dyno room, you would still have to do real world testing. The gauges are dead accurate and are millisecond fast responding which makes it very simple to interpret or remember, even at a glance, while you are dodging cars watching for cops. We have a Superflow CycleDyn which gives a better real world correlation than other dynamometers but we still evaluate air fuel ratios when riding.
Anyone who tells you optimizing tuning is easy is full of shit. Engineers at Ford say they spend two years just perfecting tip-in or initial throttle openings. Ride, observe. then change or edit. Real world.
Pretty soon Harleys will all be watercooled then you really won't be able to tell the difference between Milwaukee and Hammatsu. "The Man" will be sniffing your butt and planting microchips and gps modules up your ass so they can mail you a speeding ticket and keep track of your movements. They already have data recorders on your car so they know what you were doing when the biggie happened. Brave new world. Monitor your engine to get the most out of it before the NSA monitors your tail pipe.
Customer writes: "When the gauge arrived I knew it would be of a very high quality, it has far surpassed my expectations. I was very eager to get this installed and take a look at my tune. Amazing to see how little adjustments on the carb effect the AFR. As a result of this gauge, I have dropped one size on the low speed jet, raised the clip on notch and confirmed the main jet on my Mik48. Thank you, I really like this gauge . Ed"
"Just wanted to follow up with you. This AFR gauge is a game changer. I think the tune on this bike is just about perfect, or as perfect as a one can get with a carb. I have every needle, main and idle jet available for the Mik48 and think I used everyone of them chasing the tune. Now with everything dialed in, warm idle will flicker between the orange and red light, cruise is at the left orange light and hard acceleration toggles between last orange and first red. Plugs look terrific, bike starts first thing in the morning without any choke, while riding around town the lights are relatively stable, some moving around but not much. Again, I couldn’t be happier with how this gauge works.
Wideband O2 Adaptations.
Systems that typically use Bosch LSU 4.2/4.9 wideband sensors for self-tuning have a built-in problem. First, the "map" has to be correct before any of this self-tuning takes place. Secondly, the real issue is the sensor response time, i. e. the time it takes the sensor to stabilize, and for the ecu to make a corrected output. No matter what they tell your there is a significant delay between the reading and the correction, during which time the engine will be at another rpm/load site . This can be on the order of 980 Ms for the Bosch sensors which is why, in dyno testing, they use step tests for a number of seconds, letting the engine stabilize at specific load/rpm points, before any measurements or changes can be done. Constantly rewriting RAM locations with "corrections" on the fly is never going to be correct.
The OEM narrowband Delphi system actually works twice as fast at 500 Ms and the map, as delivered by Harley, is correct. The Delphi ecm has the ability to adjust about 20% in small increments (block learn multipliers) to factor for air cleaners slowly getting dirty etc. It already is self-tuning except at wide open throttle.
Digital Gear Indicator and Dual Air Fuel Ratio Gauges.
Our RSR Bonneville Digital Gear Indicator and our Dual Air Fuel Ratio monitor provide useful, easy to read, information. Knowing what gear you are in and what your engine is actually doing in front and rear cylinders is important information to get the best performance out of your bike. No wasted shifts and no wasted fuel.
Harleys vibrate. Next time we'll make a better camera mount. Video shows the gear indicator in action on a 5 speed 2004 Road Toad as well as our RSR Dual Air Fuel Ratio Gauge. We made a few edits to the TC88 ECM for our LSR 2-1 Pro Stock Spyder exhaust. Gives you an idea of how we tune things by actually riding them and how useful the Bonneville Gear Indicator is.
Get a tub of popcorn and a six pack and watch a 2004 FLTRI find happiness going through the gears. Make your own movie and get some more popcorn and beer and show your friends how you hit redline in sixth gear. At Bonneville we run five gears but we have a 425 hp Harley. and a lot of beer.
Do Not Use OEM Gaskets.
LSR 2-1 Exhaust Systems must use our CNC Machined Billet Gaskets (part number 00-1000) and our close tolerance aircraft exhaust nuts (part number 00-1001). The above OEM woven gasket will not work with our machined Turbo Venturis. Four special aircraft exhaust nuts come with the system but you must order four extra ones for $3.00 as they are easily dropped and the OEM 5/16" x 24 hex nuts will not "turn" on our machined Turbo Venturis.
We also offer machined from billet exhaust flanges. If you have a 2004 or later bike it will probably have the thicker exhaust flanges which are not compatible with our Turbo Venturis. Early style OEM Evo chrome die cast flanges and clips or our billet parts are called for. Our Chromed Billet Steel Flanges and clips are $29.95 per set and are stronger than any oem part.
We have had several instances where people encounter "difficulties". Invariably, it is traced to someone not using our billet gaskets. The billet gaskets insure proper fit of the LSR 2-1 system and are designed to work with our Turbo Venturis to increase exhaust flow.
King Tut seeks Cleopatra.
The 2006 Street Bob with it's Hot Rod primer look is really a popular item these days. Here's one of our ceramic coated LSR 2-1 Turn Outs wrapped in thermal tape. A bit strange in that the God of Chrome will be highly offended but, what the hell, it's in keeping with the bike's theme. Ape Hangers are also back but this gets sort of expensive as there are all sorts of cables these days. Open your wallet wide if Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper is your style.
We would like to caution you that wrapping the pipes will eventually cause a failure of the base metal as the heat is not dissipated. Think 1450 Deg F, cherry red, plastic metal. Sooner or later.
Customer writes: "Hello folks! just wanted to let you guys/gals know I'm very pleased w/my purchase of my RB Racing l. s.r's. pipe fits great, looks great, sounds great and performs great! Well worth the wait! Also I'm including a picture of my '06 dyna street-bob w/ the l. s.r's installed. I know you probably won't like the fact that I wrapped them. but they get comments EVERYWHERE I go! Thanks again for such a great product!" 00-1316 LSR 2-1 Turn Out, Rotated 45 degrees. Ape hangers are back.
We would like to caution you that wrapping the pipes will eventually cause a failure of the base metal as the heat is not dissipated. Think 1450 Deg F, cherry red, plastic metal. Sooner or later.
Automotive header manufacturers void all warranties on mild steel and stainless systems if Thermal Wrap or Nitrous Oxide is used, as both cause elevated temperatures that cause cracking. In race applications it is used but everything is expendable in racing.
Above is a 2006 Street Bob being fitted with a new design LSR 2-1 Black Hole System. That is the quiet variation of our LSR 2-1 systems. For 2006 models we are offering "C" style pipes for all mid peg Dynas. These are available in Turn Out, Turn Out angled over 45 degrees, Slash Cut and Slash Cut +5" designs. 2" LSR 2-1 Black Hole "C" style design shown.
On the new 2006 Street Bob models you can get you heat shields in a mix of finishes. A Popular choice is a Black Ceramic pipe with the front and rear primary tube shields in chrome and the collector shield in black. In the case of a chrome system then you would use full chrome shields.
For 2006 Dyna models with forward controls we are offering various B Style Systems to include LSR 2-1, LSR 2-1 Black Hole and LSR 2-1 Pro Stock as well as specialized LSR 2-1 Pro Stock Challenge designs. 2" primary tube design shown for large displacement motors.
2006 Dyna with a Springer front fork. 00-1316 Black Ceramic pipe with chrome shields. There's always a way if you have the will. and money.
The bracket under your nose cone is held on by three #27 Torx bolts. The bracket is put on at the factory and then the motor is put in the frame making it next to impossible to remove due to lack of vertical clearance. We make a few of these up by welding a #27 Torx to a strap of stainless steel and then grinding it short as possible.. If you need one when you order a pipe mention it and we'll throw one in the box for an extra $12.95. It will save getting out a hacksaw when you give up trying to get the bolts out, especially one very pesky one.
Sweat the Details.
Superglides have a long history at RB Racing both with turbos and exhaust systems. Pictured above is a Dyna Superglide FXD Evo with a LSR 2-1 C Style, 1 3/4" Turnout, 3 piece heat shields, P/N 00-1090. Sixteen-inch rear tire, nineteen-inch front, forward controls, custom seat and a bad attitude. clean, but nasty. As you all know. "The Devil's in the details". and whether there is adequate clearance between the front pipe and the frame on the rubber mounted engine, the hidden laser-cut transmission mounting bracket, or the precise fit slip joints that eliminate cracks, we pay attention to the details so you will be proud of your bike.
One detail you might not think about when it comes to the DYNA models: Some bikes like the one pictured at the top of the page have essentially been converted into a quasi FXDWG model with forward controls and the owner has installed shortened shocks to further lower the bike. If you put a normal FXD exhaust on the bike that had to clear the stock mid-pegs then the pipe would sit too low. In addition, because the owner is running a 16 inch rear tire with lowered shocks, a standard pipe would be pointing down at the ground. In this case we put on a wide glide pipe that has been raised in the rear.
The bike pictured above is a new fuel injected TC88 FXDWG with a 2" C Style Turn Out, part number 00-1120, in polished silver ceramic. The orientation of this pipe is standard, not raised. The new laser-cut bracket bolts to the transmission.
Flanges for 2006 Models.
The Harley part numbers for these flanges and clips are: 65328-83 (exhaust ring clamp) and 65325-83A (retaining ring). RB Racing has these flanges in stock, per pair with spring clips Part Number 00-1002, $29.95. 2006 models need to order these flanges or their equivalent at your Harley shop as the oem flanges may be too thick for our Turbo Venturis.
1999 FXR CVO with LSR 2-1, B Style, 1 3/4", Turn Out with rear heat shields (2). This is a bike we use for testing at RB Racing. Part Number 00-1010.
Customer writes: "Here is some pictures of my 1990 FXR with a S & S 117ci. motor. the pipe had a thunder header and dynoed at 121 h. p.with a dip in the torque. Then I put a 2" 2 into 1 RB Racing LSR 2-1 pipe on then it dynoed at 130 h. p. with no dip in the torque. This is the best pipe out there. Check out bracket and sleeve on the air fuel ratio gauge, second orange, first red. It's a no brainer. Thanks RB Racing".
FXR customer made his own bracket. The RSR Air Fuel Ratio Gauge has a center back mount with a 5/16 x 18 Stainless Allen Bolt. The wires are sheathed in vinyl coated fiberglass and the gauge can be mounted flush (the wiring folds into a machined groove) or the wires can go directly back. Like the customer said " second orange, first red. It's a no brainer".
Another FXR Customer writes: " Hey, just wanted to say thanks for the great product. After I bolted up the 2 into 1 exhaust I bought for my '89 FXR, there was an immediate, dramatic performance increase from my Supertrapp. I am running an S&S 113" in the stock frame. Looks slick, goes great. Obrigado novamente. Good luck at Bonneville."
2" LSR 2-1 Part Number 00-1013. Delkron cases Axtell barrels and a bunch of trophies, both show and dyno. Three fingers has something to do with the paint job.
All the way from Great Britain, a 131 Merch in an FXR custom. With forward controls we do a different "C" Style FXR and slip the rear pipe to prevent fracturing just like we do on other rubber mounted engines. Pipe is mounted off of the transmission. As you can see there is nothing stock on the bike. It takes a lot of effort and parts chasing to do this, especially with long supply lines. A long time ago the "Ton" was a magic number. This one will do this in a heartbeat. Dinosaurs have evolved. LSR 2-1 with 2" primaries.
LSR 2-1 's in Silver.
Customer writes: "All I have to say is these things are a work of art! Almost makes you want to hang them on the wall for everyone to see! BUT, I actually installed them. the front pipe was a bit sneaky to get in, as the lowrider frame is almost against the head on the downtube at the top. finally put the front pipe on 1st, (loosely) slid the rear section onto it and lined up the rear pipe to the head, got everything loosely in place. took a couple cardboard boxes and made little blocks to hold things in a non-strained position and tightened the exhaust studs slowly to 15 lb/ft, then tightened the rear support to pipe bolt. double checked everything to make sure it was all in place. Used a little Windex to clean everything up (a little sweat on things. 91 degrees and 70+% humidity with no breeze). fired it up. Man, what a beautiful sound.
Cruised around a bit to let them heat up, went back home and let them cool. double checked all the bolts and took off again. Cruised for a bit, then came up to a stop light. took off, leaned my 300 pound hulk over the tank and twisted the wick wide open. as the tach passed 3000 RPM, the front end came off the ground and stayed there until I shifted at 6200 RPM. when I shifted, I left about 5 feet of rubber, then the front end came up again, then settled down, hit 3rd, and got MORE air. backed out of it at about 5000 RPM in 3rd (probably 75-80) and turned around and went home. This thing has NEVER pulled this hard. with the drags that were on it, I had it dyno tuned and it peaked at 78.4HP at the tire. from 3500 to redline it was above 70 HP. I could get a little air into 2nd, but it has NEVER pulled like this. feels like a freight train!
The engine build up was recommended by Pete Hill of Greenville, SC. he said his combo with the right exhaust and carb would make about 100-110 HP at the tire. I think I am about there.
I am going to try and find a shop that will dyno the bike, and will also have it at the AMA Pro-Star drags in Indianapolis the weekend of August 12th. You guys rock, and this was DEFINITELY worth the wait. "
Before Softails before Dynas there was the 1985 FXWG with a kicker. We make pipes for these. Part Number 00-1015, LSR 2-1 Slash Cut, 1 3/4", in Black Ceramic.
Boots and Kickers. Not for your Nike or Adidas crowd. Kickers can be made to clear if you get the right one. 00-1015 on the 1984/85 Wide Glide. Customer fabbed his own bracket.
Customer writes: " Pipe is doing great. Love the sound and power. I don't know if you received the pictures I sent so I'll send again digitally. Let me know if you want any to show how nicely it clears the kicker. I've referred your pipe to several students and others. I know of one person who bought one. Keep up the awesome work. Scott"
S&S Twin Cam Oil Pump.
If you are running one of these and want a "C" Style Exhaust for your Twin Cam engine let us know as we have a different type "C" Style exhaust that fits these pumps. If you are running a normal cone then there are no fitment issues. Our regular "C" pipe goes up close to the original cone. In the case of the S&S pump pictured above we have to route the rear pipe differently due to the "block" shape.
"B" Style pipes are unaffected by the S&S Oil Pump design.
Customer writes: " 124", 57mm throttle body, Zippers Billet Heads, Axtell Cylinders and J&E Pistons, Jim's H-Beam Rods and flywheels, S&S Case Wood 62 Cam. and of course the RB Racing LSR 2-1 pipe that made the difference. 142.42 hp and 139.9 foot pounds torque". 00-1228 2" Dyna C Style Turn Out in Black Ceramic.
Please note that the bike pictured above has the high oil filler. On 2006 models the oil filler is lower and we use a different "C" style rear pipe.
00-1120 in Chrome with the Turn Out rotated 45 degrees "down". A lot of work done to a big inch Dyna with equal emphasis on "Go" as well as "Show".
When you add the heat shields (3 piece) to a 1 3/4" 00-1118 TC88 Dyna FXDWG pipe it looks like a 2" pipe. The customer says "The bike sounds fantastic and runs like a bat outta' hell". Sometimes you have to go through a few different pipes before you find one that "works".
To make sure you have the correct pipe, RB Racing offers all of it's DYNA EVO pipes with a choice of angles on the the rear section. i. e. lower or higher. "Lower" is pictured on the bike above (Higher is on the bike at the top of the page). Another factor in the equation is that in the TC88 models the engine does not sit perfectly perpendicular in the frame as with the EVO models, but is canted slightly forward. TC88 and FLHT/Road King rubber mounted engines automatically get the lower orientation on these pipes. Pictured above is a TC88 Dyna B Style Slash Cut in Ceramic Black for mid pegs part number 00-1111.
Wail into the night, make the metal scream, send shivers up their spines. these aren't static sculptures to be worshiped.
When your son helps out he understands it's a lot of work to detail out your bike and make it special. There's a lot of pride in a job well done and it's nice to get some recognition for getting "down and dirty" and learning how things work. No one hands these things out for free. A beautiful day and ride on a tricked out Harley with engine work beats twiddling PlayStation buttons. Besides, we all know girls dig Harleys. Pictured is a TC88 Dyna FXDL with a B Style LSR 2-1.
Customer writes:"Here's a couple pictures of my bike with a the LSR 2-1. I finished building it about a year ago. I can remember working with you guys in the fabrication of this pipe. That was because, it is fitted on a aftermarket fxr Chopper Guys wide frame, which had a 5/8" motor mount off-set. Thanks for working with me. I am very pleased with the fit, look, sound and performance of the pipe. Sorry it took so long to send the pix." 00-1012 Turn Out, with 2" primaries in chrome.
00-1011 B Style FXR 1 3/4" primaries, Slash Cut. Customer had pipes ceramic coated himself. We supplied them polished but unfinished. FXR's are transmission mounted.
Customer writes: "Hey , I am so happy with the pipes! They are everything I expected and more. The sound is great the looks are great and the performance is excellent! Here are some photos that you are welcome to use on the site. there aren't any Dyna Wide Glides to see!" 00-1114 in Black Ceramic 1 3/4" B Style Dyna Wide Glide, Turn Out Rotated 45 degrees.
LSR 2-1's Bonneville, Dyno &Track Proven.
If you want to make power on a multi-cylinder engine you have to use a collector system. Whether it's a V-Twin or a V-8 it's the same, and no less an authority than the famed engine builder Smokey Yunick will tell you that. Not using free exhaust energy to help your engine breathe is downright criminal. No matter what the conventional wisdom is, staggered duals on a Harley will not make more power. You simply cannot escape the fact that a properly designed 2-1 will give you more usable torque where you need it, in the 2000 to 4000 rpm range, which means less downshifts and less rpm to get the job done.
A set of short staggered duals at peak rpm can be made to produce good power but they will be dead on their ass until they get there, whereas an engine developed around an LSR 2-1 exhaust can be made to perform from the bottom up with no dips in the torque band! If you don't believe this then why is it always that the top Pro Stock bikes, cars etc. end up running collectors systems? Damn right they work! If you don't think torque between shifts or when you roll the throttle on, then buy those long sewer pipes or some short curly drag pipes you saw on the Discovery Channel.
Check out our new Exhaust Technology Section for information on how all this works.
Round Up the Usual Suspects.
Dyna FXDWG Customer writes: "Just wanted to say thanks for the help, and I love my pipe's" 00-1118 in Chrome with heat shields.
Dyna Customer writes: " Got the new exhaust, and it is on the bike, and it looks and sounds and runs fantastic. I am VERY happy! I will send photos later! Replaced a Bub "Rinehart" staggered drag dual system, with "Big City Thunder" replacement baffles in it -- total junk compared to your system.
Bike runs like a completely different bike! Guys at the shop (Denton County Choppers) could not believe it themselves -- they rode the bike "before" and "after" and had never seen a pipe make that much difference, ever! These are "old school" Harley guys!
Very pleased! THANK YOU. Bike runs sooo much better -- smooth power band all the way from first through fifth and up to top speed! Amazing! An HD 95" bike running like an HD 103" -- WOW! Thanks again!"
New Cloisonne Tags.
Like in the adage "The relentless search for perfection" we have upgraded the logos we put on our LSR Exhaust Systems. Previous tags were stamped and formed aluminum with silk screened details. The new cloisonne tags are a precision die struck brass, nickel plated, with powdered glass fired in an oven then polished to a jewelry finish. These are direct replacements for our older tags and are available for US $25.00 postpaid via US Global Express (foreign) or Priority Mail (domestic US). They come with black headed rivets and are riveted in place with a light coat of high temperature silicone (Permatex 598B) behind the tag.
These are direct replacements for our older tags and are available for US $20.00 via US Global Express (foreign) or Priority Mail (domestic US). They come with black headed rivets and are riveted in place with a light coat of high temperature silicone (Permatex 598B) behind the tag.
Baffling Alien Discs and Aluminum Butt Plugs.
Our testing has shown that the Harley V-Twin is extremely sensitive to back pressure which is why 2-1's that use small or restrictive collectors don't breathe well, and why restrictive baffles shut the motor down. Disc type baffles are good for spark arrestors on dirt bikes but they have no place on a big inch V-Twin. You don't make power by adding restrictions to your exhaust system whether it's a bunch of stainless discs or some damn piece of aluminum billet machined into a Harley butt plug! Ever wonder why they had to put a hole up the center of the discs? Well, one reason was the discs are so damn restrictive you have to have several pounds of them to get enough flow through their waffle shaped passages. Good mufflers, but they have nothing to do with performance and they sure as hell do not create vacuum as has been claimed. When you get confused by all the bullshit simply ask the following question.." Do they run them in NASCAR or in Formula One?". Nope, they run straight pipe collector systems without any stupid discs or aluminum butt plugs. It's always funny how when the money is on the line, all the little things like discs, billet caps, anti-reversion flaps, reverse megaphones and other such nonsense somehow don't make the field.
All RB Racing LSR Exhaust Systems feature our "new" (we've been quietly doing it since 1985!) CNC machined Turbo Venturis that actually "scavenge" to help your motor breathe. Machined from billet, these allow full 2" flow and eliminate the phony restrictions that other 1 3/4" to 2 1/4" pipes have at your exhaust port. We supply special close tolerance aircraft nuts for your exhaust studs because our machined venturis are too wide for a standard hex nut.
LSR CNC Machined Gaskets Mandatory.
Our CNC machined Turbo Venturis are not compatible with the "bowl-shaped" late model OEM exhaust port gaskets or early style "flat" gaskets for the LSR Exhaust Systems to both fit and seal properly. The narrow machined flat face of the Turbo Venturi must seat against a flat surface, not the bowl-shaped late model gaskets. Using the LSR Exhausts in combination with the wrong gasket will cause misalignment, inability to tighten the provided close tolerance aircraft nuts, and will force the bowl-shaped gasket into the exhaust port.
Mandatory for a nominal charge of $9.95 are a pair of our LSR CNC machined gaskets which mate perfectly with our Turbo Venturis. These are proven in over 16 years of use on our race and turbo applications. the only gaskets that will stay in a turbo bike for 25,000 miles! These gaskets prevent any gasket "creep" into the exhaust flow and are one more thing that will give you "an edge" on the competition. We always wondered why people would port their heads, put in bigger valves and then squish the gaskets into their exhaust ports. We bet you never paid attention to what was going inside your exhaust ports for one very simple reason. you can't see what's going on in there once the pipe is tightened! The LSR CNC machined gaskets also insure perfect alignment of the exhaust system. Most fitment and alignment problems are traced to using either the wrong type of gasket or using old gaskets that have taken a "set". We've always used these on our race applications and it's time everyone who's concerned about performance should do the same.
All LSR 2 into 1 exhausts require special close tolerance aircraft nuts to bolt the LSR Turbo Venturis to the exhaust port. Standard 5/16" x 24 hex nuts will not fit. Each exhaust comes with the required four nuts. It is recommended that you order an extra set (4) of these nuts, part number 00-1001, when you order your exhaust.
STD Cylinder Heads.
We make special flanges for STD heads that match the rectangular bolt pattern that STD machines. If you order a RB Racing LSR 2-1 Exhaust you can order these flanges which have been designed to fit our standard turbo venturis. RB Racing Part Number 00-1003. Sold per pair $29.95. When you order a RB Racing LSR 2-1 Exhaust system we either polish and chrome these or bead blast and ceramic coat them.
RB Racing LSR 2-1 exhaust systems use either one or two slip joints depending on the model. We suggest you put a coating of Permatex 598B ULTRA BLACK in the slip joint. None of our slip joints use any clamps because then they wouldn't be slip joints anymore. In the case of ceramic coated LSR exhausts the coating is thicker than the chrome and the ceramic finishes have a higher coefficient of friction making the slip fit somewhat more difficult. The use of ULTRA Black will allow easier assembly of the exhaust into the slip joint.
In actual operation the inner pipe gets hotter that the outer pipe and they grow into each other and form a tight seal. The 598B is a non hardening gasket material and will prevent any leakage from condensation that forms in the pipe and, with the usual carbon particles, will actually seal better over time. It also makes the pipes easy to take apart later on. Get a tube before you install your RB Racing exhaust system.
O-Sensor Ports Standard.
All RB Racing LSR exhaust systems come standard with a machined and heliarced oxygen sensor boss just below your front exhaust port. This port is designed to accept and oxygen sensor (18mm x 1.5mm) which will allow you to use our RSR Air/Fuel Ratio Meter to tune and monitor in real-time your air/fuel ratio. Also, if you really wish to get 55mpg and kick ass, our RSR Fuel Injection's closed-loop heated O-Sensor will plug directly into this port. 06-1025 billet handlebar bracket.
In the case of OEM fuel injected models, either Delphi or the earlier Weber Marelli, two O2 ports are installed either 18mm or 12mm.
Ease of Installation: LSR 2-1 Mounting Brackets.
As they say. So simple a.
FXR: Transmission mounted using a laser cut 1/4" steel plate and dowels. 00-1181 (FXR Forward Controls) Pictured above. Customer writes " I am very happy with it. It was easy to install and fit very well. Thank you for a great product."
Customer Writes: "Hi, Its been a long time since we have talked. Wayne Keyworth turned me on to your exhaust system. Since then I have enjoyed the performance ever since the installation to the bike and have ridden the bike with pride and out front of the pack with performance of the exhaust and slight cam and carb modification. Real runner it was! Lifetime of remembrance of out-performing the others. Nothing like riding in a pack and cracking the throttle and letting loose leaving others behind no matter how fast or tough they look . Knowing you just have a 80 cu. with mild cam/carb. loaded with all the road pack and passenger.
The reason I'm writing you is, I just purchased my my first BAGGER, I was searching for a performance modification . Pulled up your web site from my previous encounter and seen my old bike made me feel PROUD to have been able to make the web site of such a performing exhaust system manufacturer with just a mild stock bike , That I would challenge any bike/vehicle on the road with confidence and enjoy telling them about it at the next stop for fuel.
My new ride is a 2006 FLTRI Road Glide I don't know what California smog regs are going to be, however, I will be looking for some changes to get me back to the crisp throttle response of my old bike even thought . I have discovered music while you ride. I'm looking for the performance I achieved of the 2-1 system, flow to the rear of bags . Appearance/ performance always wanting something different.
Thanks again, really enjoyed seeing my old bike. Made me feel proud!"
FXR : There are FXRs and then there are aftermarket FXRs like Kenny Boyce frames and a variety of "Rubber Mounted" pro street and quasi-Softail designs. For all of these we provide a 1/4" steel plate that bolts to your transmission. The bracket is slotted to allow for variations in engine mounting and has a selection of dowels that take into account the different transmissions available. The bracket attaches directly to the back of the LSR 2-1 pipe, which has a slotted bracket heliarced to the pipe. The bracket does not interfere with billet aluminum swingarm pivot mounts like those on Kenny Boyce frames or other aftermarket pivot mounts. Pictured above is an LSR 2-1, 1 3/4", C Style, Turn Out on a 1990 FXRS that has made three trips to Sturgis from California.
DYNA (Evo) : Transmission mounted. 1/4" laser cut steel plate dowel mounted. No oem mounts are used. Remove oem mounts.
DYNA (TC88) : Transmission mounted. 1/4" laser cut steel plate dowel mounted. No oem mounts are used. Remove oem mounts.
For flanges and mounts we recommend 15 foot pounds of torque . On exhaust flanges you do not use any locking compound as our nuts are self-clinching. On bolts for frame and engine-mounted brackets we recommend that the threads be clean and that a low grade (Blue) thread locking compound be used with 15 foot pounds of torque. Bolts and nuts on our slotted brackets do not require a locking compound but can also be tightened to 15 foot pounds.
In lieu of torque wrenches do not over tighten exhaust flanges to the point where they bend. In the case of bolts going into transmissions and into frames also do not attempt to see how strong you are as aluminum threads and bolts are weaker than you and your wrench are. Simply tighten things till the bolt stops and give another partial turn to firmly snug it. The last bit of tightening actually stretches things a bit and the tension holds things tight. Tightening should always be done in a sequence. Never finally tighten one part then go to the next. Always loosely tighten things in sequence and then finally tighten things in sequence.
The exhaust should never be installed with any of its elements in tension. It has to rest in place without strain and be tightened without strain.
We employ split lock washers on most fasteners to prevent counter-rotation. This works surprisingly well if the bolt is properly torqued or tightened.
In any case, you have a responsibility to tighten things or at least check periodically as part of your normal maintenance. Harleys do shake and try to kill anything attached to, or even near them. If things get loose the additional shaking moment can break bolts and destroy threads.
General LSR 2-1 Installation Sequence.
1. Remove the OEM exhaust and exhaust bracketry. If the bike has floorboards remove the right floorboard.
2. Pry the OEM exhaust gaskets out of the exhaust ports. We use billet gaskets instead.
3. Install the frame or transmission bracket provided. Use Blue Loctite on the mounting bolt threads into the transmission. Lockwashers under the bolt heads on the transmission mount. If through-bolt like on early rigid Sportsters or Shovels use lockwashers under the hex nuts.
4. Front and Rear primary tubes: Install billet flanges and clips. Install front pipe loosely with billet gasket and nuts provided. Loosely affix the front heat shield to the pipe as you might not be able to install the shield later with the rear pipe in place. We use 1/4 drive ratchet plus extensions and 3/8" socket and a 3/8" wobble for the exhaust stud nuts.
5. If the rear pipe has a slip joint (rubber mounted C Style) slip the rear pipe into the tail section. You may use Permatex ULTRA BLACK.
6. Begin slip of tail section/rear pipe into the front exhaust slip joint ( You may use Permatex ULTRA BLACK) and work the rear exhaust and billet gasket into the exhaust port. Loosely affix exhaust stud nuts provided. We use 1/4 drive ratchet plus extensions and 3/8" socket.
7. Slide 5/16" x 18 bolt(s) into slotted bracket on back of exhaust and thread these through the mounting braket. Loosely affix with lock washer(s) and hex nuts provided. Some exhausts may require a spacer (provided) between the exhast slotted bracket and frame/transmission bracket.
8. Gently tighted up all fasteners and nuts. Nothing can be in tension. You may use a rubber mallet to seat the slip joint(s).
9. Install remaining heat shields and tighten front heat shield (5/16" Nut driver). Completely wipe the pipe and shields down with a clean cloth to prevent grease and oil stains from being baked on.
10. Run bike briefly in place. Let it cool down and retighten fasteners. Reinstall the right floorboard with hardware provided.
11. If ceramic finishes it is wise to go through several heat cycles. On modern efi closed loop systems they go into closed loop within minutes. Let bike idle for a few minutes then shut it down to let it cool. Several sessions of this will cure the resins as they are only oven-fired to 400F. Exhaust temperatures are >1000F.
12. Double check all fasteners and ride the bike. Check your work afterwards. You bought a Harley so you are already showing signs of dementia.
Custom Made for Your Application.
Georgia is a long way from Iraq. Those are real trees hiding behind the FXDWG with a Silver Ceramic 00-1118 1 3/4" LSR 2-1 with chrome heat shields. Back in the world, even if it is for a short time. In the Army they have you 24/7 but you can be free and in control, winding you bike out on a Georgia highway, appreciating the freedom we have. Watch for deer, not IED's.
Freedom of expression. do it while you can before someone decides to stick their nose in your business.
Customer writes: "First, I have had your LSR 2-1 C w/Turnout on my 98 FLSTS for about 4 years and 32,000 miles. It looks great, sounds great, and of course, performs great.
Second, the mechanic that works on my bike also drag races a Shovelhead powered FL. He only ran Thunderheader until he rode my bike and did some research. Steve had you guys make him a 2-1 and set new records in his class.
Third, my brother-n-law has a '05 EFI Road King. He was just dying to put some Rinehart true duals on it. I talked him into waiting until he looked at and listened to a lot of RKs before buying. During the year he did this I kept asking what he wanted out of the new exhaust. Finally, he admitted sound and performance. He kept saying I love the sound of your bike and it is fast as hell. So, I suggested the LSR 2-1 C Slash Cut longer pipe. We installed your exhaust, a PCIII usb, and a K&N filter with stock a/c cover and changed the backing plate. His road king has torque and runs like a scalded dog. We both can out run 95" kits installed at the HD dealers.
I provided the background to say this. My B'law took his RK to the HD dealer for the 15k maintenance service. The mechanics went nuts over the exhaust and what it does for the performance. They asked all kinds of questions. They had never heard of your firm or the exhausts. Now comes the kicker and it makes me a little sad (because I have enjoyed having an exhaust that out performs the crap the HD dealers sell). The mechanics conclusion. They are going to take off that HD exhaust crap (their words) and get RB Racing exhausts. Now the word will spread around Memphis and RB Racing exhausts will be everywhere.
It was good while it lasted - having the performance edge over others.
Your exhaust system has been great on my bike for 4 years and 32k miles. Thanks for a great product. I can't imagine having any other brand of exhaust!
PS. Sure wish you would make a LSR 2-1 for Victory Jackpot or 8 ball. The only reason I haven't purchased one in the last two years is because you said you would NOT make a Victory exhaust.
People have the idea that closed-loop systems are completely self-tuning and that they are going to sell you some add-on gizmo that will automatically tune your efi bike. This is a crock of shit . The truth is that every engine is different and, in the Harley world, difference is the norm as there are limitless engine build combinations.
In Detroit, Japan, or Germany, they spend thousands of man-hours developing base maps for their automotive applications. On top of these base maps goes the closed-loop feedback mechanism controlled by mathematical equations or algorithms that govern exactly how the closed loop operation will function. These base maps are not written so the vehicle will run perfectly without feedback i. e. maps are not designed for open-loop operation. The strategy for closed-loop operation is different as fuel requirements under different climatic and altitude differences can be as much as 30%. Unless the base map is constructed for the particular application, the O2 feedback mechanism will not work properly.
OEM correction schemes allow only very slight learning corrections or they will "throw" an error code. They do this for a very specific reason i. e. if things are going wrong, which is indicated by the system trying to correct out of bounds problems, then a sensor or something else is wrong. They are not designed to make large swings to correct calibrations that are way out of bounds.
People take their perfectly good Delphi electronics and swap them for a self-tuning "Wide-Band" system. The "Wide Band" manufacturers tell you to run their systems at an air/fuel target of 13.2:1. This simply puts 11% more fuel through the engine, i. e. if you were getting 40 mpg @ 14.7:1, you are now going to get 35.6 mpg. You might as well go get a carburetor.
The objective of closed loop and narrow band sensors is to get the most efficiency out of your engine by targeting 14.7:1 except in warm-up, sudden transitions, and wide open throttle, as well as hard deceleration and or fuel cut-off. Ratios as lean as 17.0:1 can be run under deceleration and certain no load situations.
FYI maximum constant torque occurs around 13.2:1, whereas sudden transitions can be anywhere from 12.5:1 to 10.0:1 depending on temperature conditions. It isn't simple. EFI isn't Linkerts, Bendix or S&S simplicity. The closest carb you can get to efi fuel control is a CV Carburetor.
Some add-on boxes for late model O2 sensor equipped oem Harleys eliminate the O2 sensors altogether. Why in the hell would you want to take a self-adjusting, sophisticated system and turn it into a gas guzzling low mileage dumb efi system? Beats the hell out of us and, since we make closed loop efi systems, we do have some experience in this area.
You bike should be left in closed loop, tuned in closed loop and monitored with O2 displays in closed loop. Correction factors defined in the oem code cannot be exceeded. Maps have to be rewritten for the changes to the bike so the base map is in agreement with the oem algorithms.
Phone Sex and Remote Tuning.
In some sort of logical disconnect a few customers call us up wanting us to tune their bike over the phone and then become increasingly indignant when we tell them it just doesn't work that way. Now, we spent the better part of 14 years, starting in 1976 working on carburetors, jetting, needle design, and even designed and marketed a flat slide carb for the Harley market. Thousands of man hours representing about 5 months out of every year were devoted to jetting issues. It got to be a real issue i. e. it was an interesting experience to define what the correct air fuel ratios should be, experimentally figure out how to measure them, and then deal with tuning die cast critters, often modifying them with extra circuits etc. but, in the end, it was temporal and an endless loop that did not exactly pay the bills.
We did learn how to make things run well, not that anyone appreciated it. It was fun to watch people try to beat you when they couldn't. Knowledge. Hard work.
For the last 18 years we've been working on and manufacturing closed loop fuel injections systems for Harley Davidsons and have set numerous Bonneville, El Mirage and Maxton speed records and won drag racing championships with them. We spent over 3000 man hours writing and perfecting Autocal. V6 prediction and analysis software for our RSR Fuel Injection systems. Why did we spend 3000 man hours? Well, we didn't plan on it, and it's a good way to flirt with insanity, but we saw no other option as digital efi requires hundreds of decisions, all of which are intertwined. No more brass jets. Exponential combinations. Changing points, one at a time is sheer insanity. Progress comes with increased complexity.
These days all Harleys are closed loop fuel injected with a single throat throttle body and are speed density Delphi systems, all very complex. It's the same formula we decided on 18 years ago. The only thing we suggest is that you use O2 signals to monitor and tune the system as the sensors are millisecond accurate and must be monitored at the exhaust port where temperatures are high and as far away from the outside oxygen rich air as possible. We suggest you use software, not hardware, to adjust your system using our RSR Air Fuel Ratio Gauges and keep your bike off of the dyno until the lights in these displays tell you your mixture is correct. Engines operate in a very narrow realm of air fuel ratios. If you want to go to the dyno after this. fine.
Just don't call us breathlessly demanding we tune your bike over the phone.
Superflow CycleDyn. Testing a Running Motorcycle.
If you are going to use a chassis dyno it has to be a tool and not a toy. At RB Racing we use the Superflow CycleDyn as it best emulates the real world. We use it for development and not for publishing "dyno charts". Most of our work is with Pectel SQ6M controllers which have extensive internal datalogging and playback capabilities up to 2000Hz sampling rates. With the Superflow we can program specific tests and transient sweeps with our turbocharger systems up 750 hp in inertial mode or 500 hp in Eddy Current controlled accelerations.
For those of you who like Dynojet "Dyno Graphs" this article.
Steve Cole (TTS MasterTune) who has spent untold thousands of hours on every dyno imaginable has this to say about CycleDyns:
Steve Cole: "In the development side what I can say is the SuperFlow when setup properly emulates the real world much better. As an example the only way to get a DynoJet to give you HP and TQ is a WOT unloaded run. The SuperFlow allows that plus just about any other combination you like with real torque output. So what does any of it buy you becomes the question. I can tell you that if we tune to a DJ and get the best we can, then repeat on the SuperFlow using real world acceleration rates for the engine being tested the results are very different. Take the final calibrations and run them in both dyno's unloaded and the DJ developed type calibration will show the most HP and TQ in those conditions, on both the SuperFlow in DJ mode and the DJ. Then take the SuperFlow controlled condition calibration and load it in the bike the power will go up when tested in the SuperFlow mode again which can only be done on the SuperFlow.
When we have turbo bikes like our Road Glide Turbo it gets a bit interesting to go testing in LA traffic with police, cell phone cameras, and freeway cameras. We still do real world riding with data acquisition as the real world is where you ride.
People want "Dyno Sheets". see below. We aren't going to test every damn camshaft, compression ratio, piston configuration, cylinder head etc as there is not enough money nor time to do so. However, we do testing for our own race development, R&D, and our personal development platforms.
People call us all the time asking for "Dyno Sheets" and we patiently tell them we do not provide self-serving graphs predicting fantastic horsepower and torque gains. Plenty of customers send us dyno sheets but, as we've been at this a long time, we know the tuning game is too complicated to provide numbers just to sell an exhaust. Tuning is a multi-variable process.
When the EVO motors came out Jerry Branch published his famous manifesto on tuning 80" EVO motors. In short, unless you bumped the compression the horsepower was not forthcoming. Same these days. In 2017 John O'Keefe of Branch O'Keefe ran an extensive series of tests on OEM Twin Cam cylinder heads to see if he could offer a "less expensive" ported head as everyone with a grinder in his garage was suddenly an expert at cylinder head porting. John found out that any attempt to clean up the ports killed the flow and port velocities dropped. He scrapped that idea and kept his well-proven chamber modification, porting and valve replacement system.
If you are looking for warm cuddly sheets we are clean out of them. We are tuners and you can buy all the trick parts in the world and a guy with a well tuned mild bike with a good power to weight ratio will kick your ass. Real world. Find a good tuner or become one. Look in the mirror.
Crystal Balls and Astrology.
You win some, you lose some. Mostly we win. Like we always say it always depends on the tuner. This is not a parts changing business and we all know it's easiest to just change pipes and see what happens, but that's not science. The LSR 2-1 pipes, themselves, do not represent a "limit" as long as you choose the right pipe for your application. The rest of the equation is getting the parts and tuning to work together.
Just put the damn thing on the road, open her up, and see what she'll do. Let the metal scream.
Torque and Ruby Slippers.
People get pissed at us when they ask for "numbers". We always tell them we "don't know" because after nearly 33 years of tuning and racing and designing we have seen too much and done too much to give any placebo answer. In fact it always depends on the bike and the tuner. No two bikes are alike. Maybe your bike was built on a Monday and they left a coke bottle in the gas tank (old Detroit wives's tale). Some bikes are faster than others. Everyone believes their bike is "faster". It depends on the tuner and, these days, the bikes are more complicated. People change from chain to gear drives. They put on different cylinder heads. They switch cams. They add on tuning twiddle boxes. They tune, or the "shop" tunes. They "dyno" the bike. maybe even somebody rides the bike with instrumentation like our RSR Air Fuel Ratio Gauge.
People call us up then hang up when we tell them we don't know what their "gains" will be. We don't publish self-serving charts. We just take all the experience we have and build the best parts we can. People end up happy who buy the parts because they are well made and are designed to perform. We make different tube diameters and offer a wide range of systems for any particular bike so you will maximize your potential. There is no "One Size Fits All" at RB Racing.
People who don't buy the parts because we won't coddle them with assurances go elsewhere where Aunt Em will tuck them in and tell them what they want to hear.
Newer Dual Coat Black Ceramic Finishes.
We have a lot more people looking for durable ceramic finishes and we think we have the best finishes on the market. In the late 70's and early 80's we tried all sorts of coatings and paints and even used porcelain on some of our products in the late 1980's. The newer ceramic finishes are tougher and we use both Polished Silver, and Semi-Gloss Black, to complement our usual chrome offerings. The newest "Turbo" Black finishes are a dual coat process that gives additional protection against scratches and nicks, providing two barriers against corrosion.
In more than 3 decades we have tried all sorts of black finishes: Kal Gard, VHT, Techline, and others. We also in the mid 1980's we even tried porcelain for awhile. It chipped and the heat distorted the parts. Most finishes will not survive over a long period unless they have a base coat to cushion rock strikes and scratches. The surface has to be perfectly prepared and most applications can fail if run too soon at elevated temperatures as they are typically baked at 450 to 500 deg F whereas the cure takes place at around 750 deg F. Lower temperatures will not cure the resins and they will fail once the bike is run. To get around this dilemma we have found the best solution is a 2500 Deg F Silver Ceramic cushion base coat and a secondary Black Semi-Gloss finish on top of this.
Dual Coat Black Ceramic finishes are therefore the most expensive as they involve a triple process. First the parts are polished to remove any tooling marks. Then the parts are zirconia media blasted to prepare the surface. Then parts are cleaned. The parts are base coated with a 2500 Deg F Silver ceramic and baked. The next day they are sprayed with Black Ceramic and baked for a third time.
On our Dual Coat Black Ceramic LSR 2-1 Exhaust Systems the heat shields and heat shield clamps are ceramic coated with 2000 Degree F satin black ceramic finishes. These finishes resist carb cleaners and other chemicals.
800 Horsepower LSR 2-1 Slash Cut.
We're not really sure what a 2-1 has to do with Top Fuel Nitro motors but when Carl Pelletier asked us to make a collector for his top fuel 175c. i. PRP motor we whipped up a 4" diameter collector and sent him the tooling. Take a Tour of what it takes to run a top fuel bike. Doug Vancil's hard running Top Fuel Harley sponsored by Vance and Hines has a 2-1 that looks like one of their Pro Pipes so when Carl asked us to build one we made sure the collector area wouldn't restrict each of the 400hp explosions that were coming from each cylinder. Carl qualified 8th out of 32 bikes at the final Las Vegas meet and ran in the sixes at over 200 mph so the 2-1 probably didn't hurt anything. His best speed is 214mph with the 2-1 so it didn't seen to hurt anything. Top Fuel is pure insanity and is addictive as Heroin for those involved. Like they say " Gasoline is for washing parts. Nitro is for Racing!".
What does this have to do with your rubber-mounted V-Twin. Not a damn thing! We are in the game however and we do our part.
S&S Four Bolt SA B1 and SA B2 Heads.
We have been asked by customers to provide LSR 2-1 systems for S&S SA B1 and B2 four bolt heads as well as for the 126" and 145" S&S Tribute engines. Pictured above are our laser cut flanges and cnc machined venturis that we heliarc to the 2" primary tube for the S&S Racing heads. We make exhausts for both the S&S SA B1 and the S&S SA B2 four bolt cylinder heads with raised ports.
The 145" Tribute engines are 1" taller than stock and have special fixtures.
These days people have all sorts of expectations. They want to be loved. They want to be admired. They don't want their chrome to turn colors. They want "numbers". They want assurances. They want guarantees, warranties, trial periods, and return policies. They don't want the part, they just want everything that goes with their household baggage. It's all part of keeping everything nice and tidy and "best". Fear of rejection. Fear of making any decision.
We just come in and make the best parts we can and that's all there is to it. The rest of the equation is too complicated. There are plenty of people who will assure you till hell freezes over. We don't have time for this.
For those of you who do not understand that 1450 Deg F of exhaust flame front will discolor chrome, don't order the parts, or just leave the bike on the trailer..or order the heat shields to cover up the underlying discoloration. Ceramic or chrome the pipes get really hot and heat shields provide an air gap to protect and hide things. Melted tennis shoes, burned pants. Air is the perfect insulator.
It isn't the old days anymore. People with $35,000.00 toys roll up in the screaming fetal position. Joy used to be a basket case that you could get running. Brave new world.
The agony of decision making can drive a poor consumer insane. "What is the best?". ".."How does it compare?". "What will I get, what will I gain?". "When can I get it?". "Should I get a Turn Out or a Slash Cut" pipe".."Will the chrome blue?". "Can I talk to someone who has one?". "How long have you been in business". ""I've never heard of you". "How black is the black?". "Why haven't I seen these before?". "My bike is at the builder and he has to have the pipe by Friday or I lose my slot!". "Is the silver as shiny as chrome?". "I have a wazoo998 cam and billet rocker boxes and a 280 rear tire. will your pipe work?"
Right brain, left brain. Fear of rejection. Fear of being different. Social standing. It's all too much for most people to deal with.
Look at the pictures, take the Red Pill, and start your journey. É simples assim.
Remove the Angst.
If you wish avoid any decision and stay right where you are, just take the Blue Pill. If the journey for truth and power excites your spirit, take the Red Pill.

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Full Exhaust Danmoto Highwayman Harley Davidson FXR 1987-1994 HM33.
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Bassani Road Rage 2-Into-1 Exhaust Short Chrome (1FXR2)
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Full Exhaust Danmoto Highwayman Harley Davidson FXR 1987-1994 HM32.
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Supertrapp Megaphone Full Exhaust System 2:1 HD FXR 84-94 Satin High.
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Harley nib dyno fxr shovelhead exhaust drag pipes hky.
Full Exhaust Danmoto Highwayman Harley Davidson FXR 1987-1994 HM33.
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Full Exhaust Danmoto Highwayman Harley Davidson FXR 1987-1994 HM32.
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Supertrapp Megaphone Full Exhaust System 2:1 HD FXR 84-94 Polish High.
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86 Harley Davidson FXR EXHAUST MUFFLER SYSTEM straight pipe drag setup.
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Trask Kickout Assault 2-into-1 Stainless Exhaust for 84-00 Harley FXR.
Genuine Vance & Hines Pro Pipe 2:1 Exhaust Harley Softail FXR 1986-2018.
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Bassani Exhaust Road Rage III Stainless Steel Exhaust Harley FXR.
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Chrome 2 into 1 Exhaust Pipe Header Harley Davidson FXR For Custom Applications.
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Covingtons Customs Black & Chrome Hot Rod 2-1 Exhaust By Bassani for Harley FXR.
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1986-1992 Harley Davidson FXR Vance & Hines Pro Pipe 2 into 1 EXHAUST MUFFLER.
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BASSANI XHAUST 1FXR2 Road Rage 2-Into-1 Short Megaphone Exhaust System Chrome.
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84-94 Harley FXR Stainless Steel High Exit 2-1 Full Exhaust - Straight Cut.
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Arrow Full System Exhaust Kevlar Racing Gilera Runner 180 SP/FXR 2098>2002.
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Shortshots Original Chrome Full Exhaust Vance & Hines 17207 87-99 Harley FXR.
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Vance & Hines Shortshots chrome exhaust Harley 87-94 FXR FXRS FXRT.
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Harley Davidson FXR front Heritage Exhaust Pipe 65669-
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Arrow Full System Exhaust Kevlar Racing Gilera Runner 180 SP/FXR 2098>2002.
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Bassani Road Rage 2-Into-1 Exhaust Short Black (1FXR2B)
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Harley EVO SOFTAIL FXR Header Crossover Exhaust Heat Shield and Clamps 65410-83.
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84-94 Harley FXR S. S. High Exit 2-1 Full Exhaust - Slash Cut Sup. 825-71356.
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Bassani Manufacturing Road Rage 2:1 Short Megaphone Exhaust System 1FXR2.
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Harley FXR O. E.M. Exhaust pipes 65668-87, 65669-87.
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Trask Assault Stainless Steel 2-1 2-into-1 Full Exhaust Harley FXR 84-94.
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Bassani Chrome Road Rage 2 Into 1 Short Exhaust Harley FXR 84-00 w/ Pegs.
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Bassani Black Road Rage 2 Into 1 Short Exhaust Harley FXR 84-00 w/ Pegs.
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Bassani Black Road Rage 2 Into 1 Short Exhaust Harley FXR 84-00 w/ Boards.
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Harley Davidson FXR Exhaust Muffler Head Pipe.
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Bassani Chrome Road Rage 2 Into 1 Short Exhaust Harley FXR 84-00 w/ Boards.
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2 exhaust drag pipes for Harley Davidson Dyna FXR new custom.
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Harley Davidson Screamin Eagle dyna FXR exhaust system mufflers baffles.
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Vance & Hines Chrome Shortshots Orginal Exhaust for Harley FXR 87-99.
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